React Native 0.62 警告 Animated: "useNativeDriver" was not specified

React Native 2020-05-07 阅读 1295 评论 0


React Native 项目升级到 0.62,之前写的有关 Animated 方法,出现了警告。

WARN Animated: "useNativeDriver" was not specified. This is a required option and must be explicitly set to "true" or "false"


如提示所说,需要明确指定 useNativeDriver 选项,并且设置为 true 或者 false 。

1. Composing animations

参考 官网的 Animated api ,包括 Animated.decay()Animated.timing()Animated.spring()Animated.parallel()Animated.sequence()等创作动画的方法,配置 config 参数时指定  useNativeDriver 。如:

Animated.timing(this.state.animatedValue, {
  toValue: 1,
  duration: 500,
  useNativeDriver: true, // 添加这一行

2. Animatable components 组件

包括 Animated.ImageAnimated.ScrollViewAnimated.TextAnimated.ViewAnimated.FlatListAnimated.SectionList 等动画视图,绑定Animated.event() 时, config 参数添加 useNativeDriver 。如:

    [{ nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { y: this.state.animatedValue } } }],
    { useNativeDriver: true } // 添加这一行
最后更新 2020-05-07